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News and notes from the Salem Fests


1970, First Fest after closing of Salem, offering of $161.27

1971, Rev CB Frank was the speaker

1974, 5th Salem Fest

1976, Patriotic decorating, 200th anniversary of Declaration of Independence

1976, September; Gospel 4 sang.  Called it Salem Fall Harvest Festival

1978, Rev Roy Heitke spoke

1980, Rev LaVerne Snyder spoke

1985, Ervin Schultz spoke, Ed Heitke played organ, Art Wolverton sang

1986, Esa Heinonen read scripture in Finnish.  Quartet: Lon Moon, Tim Gess, Luverne (Butch) Liestman, Lowell Becker

1987, Rev. Leroy Rayson spoke

8/13/1989 Art & Doug Voss & Herb Snyder played music.  Mike Elmhorst sang

1991, Errol Bluhm - violin solo.  Wegner family singers; Vicki, Jean, Laurie

8/4/1994 Herb Snyder and Larry played music.  Arlette Nelson had a piano solo,  25th Fest.

8/9/1998, Hottest day of the year,  Lowell Gess speaker

9/17/1995, Joshua Tompkins piano concert

8/11/1996, Russ & Helen Jones, Jessica & Christopher Miller, Sticks & Stones

8/9/1997 Diversity Choir.  Gospel music with Kendra Johnson

8/10/1997 Marilyn Chiat talked and showed slides,  Celebrated the 100th anniversary of the church structure

8/8/1998 First ice cream social after 30 years.  Art Voss & Northern Lights played music outside.  Served grilled hamburgers

8/8/1998 2nd Ice Cream social.  Had a program afterwards;  Bill Holm was on the piano, he spoke and sang.  Showed the documentary.

8/7/1999 Ice Cream social.  Hymns & History hour.  Rev. Mike Miller on piano with singing of favorite requested hymns that were mailed in

8/12/2000, Maennerchor singers performed after the ice cream social

8/12/2001, Rev Dave Kachel spoke on German heritage, 

8/2002,  Displayed the American Flag; Remembering 911 

8/13/2005,  Last ice cream social

8/12/2006 Maennerchor in Concert

8/12/2007 Rev. Dave Schneider gave a presentation as Circuit Rider Preacher

3/23/2008, Easter Sunrise Service (held inside)

8/9/2009, 40th Salem Fest.  Robin & Lon Moon sang.  Carol Heitke-solo

8/8/2010, String of Pearls sang at the Fest program

8/14/2011 Program featured Ron & Judy Hedtke, area musicians 

8/12/2012, Dave Stumo and singers from community had a singing program. Also honored and remembered our sister church Ebenezer. 

8/11/2013, Russ Svenningsen sang, Dave Lorenz & group (Bethlehem Church Ensemble) had musical numbers

8/10/2014 45th Salem Fest,  carpet dedication by Robin & Deanna Sack, Piano medley by Arlette Snyder Nelson, reading from the Manz book by Jennie Manz, introduction of the new Salem website by Vicki Jenniges

8/9/2015 Music and Message by Kathy Weckwerth, director of Best Life Ministries.

8/14/2016 Speaker and song leader: Mike Miller.  Handicap ramp and access was completed this year

8/13/2017, The Life, Times & Faith of Dr. Lowell Gess; honoring his life's work

8/12/2018, ALIVE quartet and a Memorial Candle Lighting for Lon Moon & Willie & Gloria Scheel

8/2019, 50th Salem Fest, trumpet medley by Pastor Jim Pritchett from Crystal Hills Assembly

8/2020, Fest is cancelled due to the pandemic.  A walk through the cemetery was offered and people were requested to keep their distance and wear masks if they came inside the church.  A history table was set up inside. 

8/8/2021, Bonse Aba, men's quartet from Paynesville Lutheran, recognition of three 100 year olds formerly from the Salem congregation.  Lowell Gess, Vernice Heitke Evans & Vivian Heitke.

8/14/2022 The Grace Church Singers and a presentation by Linda Liestman titled 'the Glory Days of the Tent Revival Meetings''. 

8/13/2023  ALIVE quartet and presentation by Linda Liestman titled '



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